
package models

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AuthMethod extends Mount
  2. case class BackupKeys(nonce: String, keys: Map[String, String]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class HealthStatus(initialized: Boolean, sealed: Boolean, standby: Boolean, performanceStandby: Boolean, replicationPerformanceMode: String, replicationDrMode: String, serverTimeUtc: Int, version: String, clusterName: String, clusterId: String) extends Product with Serializable


    Whether the Vault server is Initialized.


    Whether the Vault server is in Standby mode.


    Verbose description of DR mode


    Verbose description of DR mode


    Server time in Unix seconds, UTC


    Server Vault version


    Server cluster name


    Server cluster UUID

  4. case class InitOptions(secretShares: Int = 5, secretThreshold: Int = 3, pgpKeys: Option[Array[String]] = None, rootTokenPgpKey: Option[String] = None, recoveryShares: Option[Int] = None, recoveryThreshold: Option[Int] = None, recoveryPgpKeys: Option[Array[String]] = None, storedShares: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    Specifies the number of shares to split the master key into.


    Specifies the number of shares required to reconstruct the master key. This must be less than or equal secretShares. If using Vault HSM with auto-unsealing, this value must be the same as secretShares.


    Specifies an array of PGP public keys used to encrypt the output unseal keys. Ordering is preserved. The keys must be base64-encoded from their original binary representation. The size of this array must be the same as secretShares.


    Specifies a PGP public key used to encrypt the initial root token. The key must be base64-encoded from its original binary representation.


    Specifies the number of shares to split the recovery key into.


    Specifies the number of shares required to reconstruct the recovery key. This must be less than or equal to recoveryShares.


    Specifies an array of PGP public keys used to encrypt the output recovery keys. Ordering is preserved. The keys must be base64-encoded from their original binary representation. The size of this array must be the same as recoveryShares.


    Specifies the number of shares that should be encrypted by the HSM and stored for auto-unsealing. Currently must be the same as secretShares.

  5. case class InitResult(keys: Array[String], keysBase64: Array[String], rootToken: String) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class KeyStatus(term: Int, installTime: OffsetDateTime) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about the current encryption key of Vault.

    Information about the current encryption key of Vault.


    the sequential key number


    the time that encryption key was installed

  7. case class LeaderStatus(haEnabled: Boolean, isSelf: Boolean, leaderAddress: Uri, leaderClusterAddress: Uri, performanceStandby: Boolean, performanceStandbyLastRemoteWal: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class Lease(id: String, issueTime: OffsetDateTime, expireTime: Option[OffsetDateTime], lastRenewal: Option[OffsetDateTime], renewable: Boolean, ttl: Duration = Duration.Undefined) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class LeaseRenew(leaseId: String, renewable: Boolean, leaseDuration: Duration) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait Mount extends AnyRef
  11. case class Mounted(accessor: String, uuid: UUID, type: String, description: String, config: TuneOptions, options: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, local: Boolean = false, sealWrap: Boolean = false, externalEntropyAccess: Boolean = false) extends Mount with Product with Serializable

    Represents a mounted mount.

    Represents a mounted mount.


    the mount point accessor.


    the uuid of the mount.


    human-friendly description of this mount.


    configuration options for this mount.


    mount type specific options.


    whether this is a local mount only. Local mounts are not replicated nor (if a secondary) removed by replication.


    whether this mount seal wraps causing values.


    whether the mount has access to Vault's external entropy source.

  12. case class Plugin(name: String, sha256: String, command: String, builtin: Boolean = false, args: Array[String] = Array.empty, env: Array[String] = Array.empty) extends Product with Serializable


    the name is what is used to look up plugins in the catalog.


    the SHA256 sum of the plugin's binary. Before a plugin is run it's SHA will be checked against this value, if they do not match the plugin can not be run.


    the command used to execute the plugin. This is relative to the plugin directory. e.g. "myplugin".


    the arguments used to execute the plugin. If the arguments are provided here, the command parameter should only contain the named program. e.g. "--my_flag=1".


    the environment variables used during the execution of the plugin. Each entry is of the form "key=value". e.g "FOO=BAR".

  13. case class Policy(rules: String) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class RekeyProgress(started: Boolean, nonce: String, progress: Int, required: Int, complete: Boolean, encodedToken: String, encodedRootToken: String, pgpFingerprint: String, otp: String, otpLength: Int, verificationRequired: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class RekeyVerificationProgress(nonce: String, t: Int, n: Int, progress: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    the nonce for the current rekey operation.


    is the threshold required for the new shares to pass verification


    the total number of new shares that were generated


    is how many of the new unseal keys have been provided for this verification operation

  16. case class RootGenerationProgress(started: Boolean, nonce: String, progress: Int, required: Int, complete: Boolean, encodedToken: String, encodedRootToken: String, pgpFingerprint: String, otp: String, otpLength: Int) extends Product with Serializable


    whether a root generation attempt has been started.


    the nonce for the current attempt.


    how many unseal keys have been provided for this generation attempt.


    how many unseal keys must be provided to complete the generation attempt.


    whether the attempt is complete.


    the encoded token. The token will either be encrypted using PGP or XOR'd using the OTP.


    the encoded root token. The token will either be encrypted using PGP or XOR'd using the OTP.


    the PGP fingerprint used to encrypt the final root token. This will be an empty string unless a PGP key is being used to encrypt the final root token.


    the one-time-password (OTP) being used to encode the final root token. The OTP is a base64 string, with length of otpLength. The raw bytes (char codes) of the token will be XOR'd with this value before being returned as a response to the final unseal key, encoded as base64. This field will only be returned once, on the response to the start request.


    the size of the OTP.

  17. case class SealStatus(type: String, sealed: Boolean, secretThreshold: Int, secretShares: Int, progress: Int, version: String, nonce: String, clusterName: Option[String], clusterId: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  18. trait SecretEngine extends Mount
  19. case class TuneOptions(defaultLeaseTtl: Duration, maxLeaseTtl: Duration = Duration.Zero, forceNoCache: Boolean = false, tokenType: Option[TokenType] = None, listingVisibility: Option[String] = None, auditNonHmacRequestKeys: Option[List[String]] = None, auditNonHmacResponseKeys: Option[List[String]] = None, allowedResponseHeaders: Option[List[String]] = None, passthroughRequestHeaders: Option[List[String]] = None) extends Product with Serializable


    The default lease duration, specified as a string duration like "5s" or "30m".


    The maximum lease duration, specified as a string duration like "5s" or "30m".


    Disable caching.


    the type of tokens that should be returned by the mount. Only usable for Auth Methods.


    Specifies whether to show this mount in the UI-specific listing endpoint.


    list of keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the request data object.


    list of keys that will not be HMAC'd by audit devices in the response data object.


    list of headers to whitelist, allowing a plugin to include them in the response.


    list of headers to whitelist and pass from the request to the plugin.

  20. case class UnsealOptions(key: String, reset: Option[Boolean] = None, migrate: Option[Boolean] = None) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AuthMethod
  2. object BackupKeys extends Serializable
  3. object HealthStatus extends Serializable
  4. object InitOptions extends Serializable
  5. object InitResult extends Serializable
  6. object KeyStatus extends Serializable
  7. object LeaderStatus extends Serializable
  8. object Lease extends Serializable
  9. object LeaseRenew extends Serializable
  10. object Mount
  11. object Mounted extends Serializable
  12. object Plugin extends Serializable
  13. object Policy extends Serializable
  14. object RekeyProgress extends Serializable
  15. object RekeyVerificationProgress extends Serializable
  16. object RootGenerationProgress extends Serializable
  17. object SealStatus extends Serializable
  18. object SecretEngine
  19. object TuneOptions extends Serializable
  20. object UnsealOptions extends Serializable
