
package Elasticsearch

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class Application(application: String, privileges: Option[List[String]] = Option.empty, resources: Option[List[String]] = Option.empty) extends Product with Serializable


    The name of the application to which this entry applies.


    A list of application privileges or actions.


    A list resources to which the privileges are applied.

  2. case class Connection(url: String, username: String, password: String, caCert: String, caPath: String, clientCert: String, clientKey: String, tlsServerName: String, insecure: Boolean = false, verifyConnection: Boolean = true, allowedRoles: Array[String] = Array.empty) extends BaseConnection with Product with Serializable


    The URL for Elasticsearch's API (eg: "http://localhost:9200").


    The username to be used in the connection URL.


    The password to be used in the connection URL.


    The path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the Elasticsearch server's identity.


    The path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to use to verify the Elasticsearch server's identity.


    The path to the certificate for the Elasticsearch client to present for communication.


    The path to the key for the Elasticsearch client to use for communication.


    This, if set, is used to set the SNI host when connecting via TLS.


    If set to true SSL verification will be disabled.


    Specifies if the connection is verified during initial configuration. Defaults to true.


    List of the roles allowed to use this connection. Defaults to empty (no roles), if contains a "*" any role can use this connection.

  3. case class Indice(names: List[String], privileges: List[String], fieldSecurity: Option[JsonObject] = Option.empty, query: Option[JsonObject] = Option.empty, allowRestrictedIndices: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable


    A list of indices (or index name patterns) to which the permissions in this entry apply.


    The index level privileges that the owners of the role have on the specified indices.


    he document fields that the owners of the role have read access to. For more information, see Setting up field and document level security.


    A search query that defines the documents the owners of the role have read access to. A document within the specified indices must match this query in order for it to be accessible by the owners of the role.

  4. final case class Role(dbName: String, creationStatementsJson: JsonObject, defaultTtl: Duration, maxTtl: Duration) extends BaseRole with Product with Serializable


    the name of the database connection to use for this role.


    Using JSON, either defines an elasticsearch_role_definition or a group of pre-existing elasticsearch_roles. The object specified by the elasticsearch_role_definition is the JSON directly passed through to the Elasticsearch API, so you can pass through anything shown here.


    the TTL for the leases associated with this role. Defaults to system/engine default TTL time.


    the maximum TTL for the leases associated with this role. Defaults to system/mount default TTL time; this value is allowed to be less than the mount max TTL (or, if not set, the system max TTL), but it is not allowed to be longer.

    See also

    RoleDefinition For elasticsearch_roles, add the names of the roles only. They must pre-exist in Elasticsearch. Defining roles in Vault is more secure than using pre-existing roles because a privilege escalation could be performed by editing the roles used out-of-band in Elasticsearch.

    See also The TTL General Case.

  5. case class RoleDefinition(runAs: List[String] = List.empty, cluster: List[String] = List.empty, global: Option[JsonObject] = Option.empty, indices: List[Indice] = List.empty, applications: List[Application] = List.empty, metadata: Option[JsonObject] = Option.empty) extends Product with Serializable


    A list of users that the owners of this role can impersonate. For more information, see Submitting requests on behalf of other users.


    A list of cluster privileges. These privileges define the cluster level actions that users with this role are able to execute.


    An object defining global privileges. A global privilege is a form of cluster privilege that is request-aware. Support for global privileges is currently limited to the management of application privileges. This field is optional.


    A list of indices permissions entries.


    A list of application privilege entries.


    Optional meta-data. Within the metadata object, keys that begin with _ are reserved for system usage.

Value Members

  1. object Application extends Serializable
  2. object Connection extends BaseConnectionObject[Connection] with Serializable
  3. object Indice extends Serializable
  4. object Role extends Serializable
  5. object RoleDefinition extends Serializable
